It's the thing that most people don't think about... until it's taken away. Whether it's the electricity, political power, or a lover's influence, we all want some sort of power in our lives.
If only to give ourselves choices.
To be without choices, to feel utterly powerless... well... it's a lot like being alone in the dark."
It's interesting to see what people will do to gain power; to have those extra choices. Play the political politics game at the office or the community. Talk to the people around you to learn that extra bit of knowledge. To gain the upper hand? To help make your decisions easier? Harder?
And why?
Leak out bits and pieces of information to those you know won't keep it to themselves... to change your position or even more firmly establish your reputation? To gain leverage? To bolster credibility? To tear down others?
It's like a game. A dark game. A dangerous game.
Who will come out on top? Who will shine in the bright light... cause when at the bottom, it's dark and lonely.
And no one likes to be lonely.
1 day ago