I rush forward alone. It’s cold. The sky is ashen and bleak. I can feel the fine cold mist on my face falling from the sky. The ground is slick beneath my feet. I glance around and keep moving. I’m breathing hard; coughing on fumes and exhaust. My heart is pounding as I hurry to make the flight.
Another adventure.
Boarding pass in hand, I expect the perpetual delay at the security checkpoint. The air is stifling as I am herded with other passengers to the metal detectors. There is a bead of perspiration creeping down the face of the man next to me. Nobody looks happy.
Shoes off.
Coat off.
Belt off.
Laptop out.
Cell phones in the bucket.
Liquids clearly visible in a zip top bag.
Everything on the belt. There are no secrets here. I am being scrutinized and instructed to move.
Sir, step forward through the detector toward the agent.
Scandalously, I speed right through security as the man behind me gets stopped. Dumb luck. It happens that way sometimes. I gathered up my newly inspected belongings and hustled to the gate where boarding is already in progress.
I found my seat with minimal issue. An aisle seat; always the aisle. I got lucky again, no neighbor. I have the whole row to myself. I hear the captain’s voice booming overhead informing passengers to prepare to listen to the flight attendants safety instructions. As usual, I prepare to ignore them instead.
I stifle a yawn. The flight attendants’ arms begin to flail and long fingers point to various locations of the plane. I covertly slide my cell out of my pocket for one last text before departure. I love you. I’ll call you later. Send.
I settle back into my seat and close my eyes. I can feel my carry-on beneath my feet under the seat in front of me. I listen to the dull hum of the engines as the vibrations of the plane taxiing down the runway lull me toward imminent slumber.
Another adventure. Sigh. It is what I wanted, though.
A promise made to myself almost a year ago. I was determined to break the pattern. To forget. To start over. Experience the un-experienced.
It certainly has worked out that way.
Adventures under the burning sun in a scorched desert with a thousand blinking lights. Exploration of a rainy mountaintop, sleeping in a cabin filled with mud. Intense terror inspired by a coaster. Hiking the twisted trails of an astonishingly scenic gorge. Savoring a myriad of unfamiliar cultural events.
At a one of a kind sporting event, I dodged forceful snowflakes and subsequently fortified myself with bourbon to keep warm. I have experienced Southern Charm. I cheered at an electrifying championship game. I’ve glimpsed both natural wonders and astounding achievements of human engineering.
I have been asked a myriad of questions; one exceptionally significant. My answer was “yes”.
As a result, I’ve been booked, re-routed, delayed, upgraded, downgraded, and sent to the oddest of places… and some of the most fantastic. I’ve talked to hundreds of people; made friends with a few. I've heard dozens of marvelous stories.
The sights impressed me. The people have impressed me more.
As my jet soars off into the sky above the somber clouds, I smile.
My soul is alive.
1 day ago