It's Monday and I am back to work.
Surprisingly, I am actually being pretty productive today. "Whoa," I thought to myself... can't have that happen. So naturally, what do you think happened next? Of course, I decided to take a break and blog for a minute.
As a departure from my usual blog... I guess I don't really have any particular point in mind today. Just a few random thoughts for the day....
...Random Thought 1... boy did i have a great vacation this weekend... nothing like nice weather, a little shopping, good food, fun people, and good conversation.
...Random Thought 2... life is moving both too quickly and too slowly... I really wish that some things would just go away... and along those same lines, I really need to slow down, smell the roses and enjoy life.
...Random Thought 3... beer is good... what makes beer better is a good friend or two to enjoy it with.
...Random Thought 4... I am NOT cryptic. Mysterious, yes. Cryptic, no.
...Random Thought 5... As it turns out, I am not as patient as I previously thought. Oh, i can wait. I have been. But honestly... isn't enough, enough?
...Random Thought 6... Don't fuck with me. I really do have a Sicilian temper. It may take a while, but when I am finally pushed to the limit, you won't be happy.
...Random Thought 7... Damn, the weather is nice today...
...Random Thought 8... People who act like assholes do it for a reason. Simply, they are assholes. At one point I thought that there was no way some people could be THAT stupid. As it turns out, they are not that stupid... they are simply assholes. Recently, I have deal with a couple... personally and professionally. I hope that someday they get treated as poorly as they treat others.
...Random Thought 9... I don't talk in circles. I do however always try to establish my point, then support my point with relevant statements and examples. Thank god there are people out there who get that....
...Random Thought 10... If I work hard, I will meet my goal. My goal is to be better than you. How do you feel about that?
...Random Thought 11... I've met some really nice new friends lately... I am looking forward to getting to know you better!
...Random Thought 12... When is my new car gonna get here?
...Random Thought 13... Apparently good things really do come to those who wait... I have gotten a couple really interesting phone calls and emails today! Nice! Now say it with cash!
Okay, I think I've pretty much exhausted the thoughts rolling around in my brain today... I really should get back to being productive.
1 day ago
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