It's been quite a hullabaloo... I barely have a free minute to sit down. The demands for my time and attention have been tremendous.
I haven't blogged in ages. I spend countless hours at work. I try to fit friend and family in as best as I can. My head spins at what is on my plate now; what I have to accomplish, how little time there actually is to do it. It is dizzying.
And the prize at the end of the road - the opporunity of a lifetime? A second chance to make the right choices? What are the choices; what is the true prize?
My mind races when I consider what I have now and what the future could potentially hold. I wake up, I make it to the gym, I work hard, and I can barely keep my eyes open before I get home at the end of the day.
As exhausted as I am, I find myself continuously thinking... like a good tale, marveling at how it is all unfolding...
In the center of the commotion, I can't help but to speculate on the future. I can see the cast of new characters and interesting locales, but I can't figure out where it's going yet. I find myself struggling; deep in thought trying to figure what is in the narrative ahead. Of course the storyline isn't clear yet... so I can do nothing but speculate at what plot twists and turns will be revealed in the next chapter. Unexpected? Obvious? Predictible? Wondrous?
And as I continue to turn the pages at a breakneck pace, I consider how it's unfolded so far. And ultimately, how I will apply the lessons I've learned from my past to the unwritten pages of the future.
Ah, the past.
Just thinking about it makes me shudder.
It amazes me how quickly it all turns around. I've spent a great deal of time lately thinking about just that. And it's not like I've had a whole lotta spare time on my hands lately either...
So the story goes: "what a difference a year can make." Looking back, a year ago I couldn't see a future. I wondered how I could possibly go on. In those dark times, it seemed like there was no reason to keep trying. Each time the I thought that the storm was finally coming to an end, I found myself in the temporary calm of the eye. Over and over again I battled... and I wasn't sure I was going to survive.
Hell ya. What's a good life tragedy without a little drama? It's what keeps the pages turning... what's gonna happen next?
Turn the page.
So starts a new chapter.
Just a few pages in, it's evident that as much as our hero was tested up to the limits of strength in the preceding chapter, this one opens in a hectic, but upbeat way.
The sun shines brightly, a salubrious and fast paced start. A new job, a new challenge, a new locale, a new life, a new cast of characters, a new body, a bright smile, an opportunity to refresh and renew.
A boy...
1 day ago
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