Tonight, there was some singing. Bashful at first, within a few minutes a natural confidence sparkled through. I smiled, I laughed in a way that made me feel warm within. I tapped my toes in delight. Then, I heard the words: "Because I knew you I have been changed for good." It came at sort of an unexpected moment. A downtrodden moment amidst a cheerful chorus.
It made me sad. Nostaglic. Like a dim candle flickering in dense fog, memories wafted through the haze of the light. I struggled to grasp onto just one or two. I tried to remember, but it just seemed so distant. Neither bad, nor good. It just was.
The indelible impression made apon my soul. A laugh, a smile, a tear. A hug and a few whispered words in the dark. Forever distorted, altered and changed.
Each time our lives intertwine in the dance, the actual essence of the psyche bends a little into a new variation of reality. A new magnificence emerges; going backward is not possible.
As quickly as those dimly lit thoughts came, they passed unremarkably back into obsurity.
At my request, the music turned suddenly upbeat. The chorus got louder and the smile returned full force to my face. My meloncholy moment temporarily forgotten; replaced with song and a bit of a dance.
But now I remember. It happened again in just one instant. "Because I knew you, I have been changed for good." The alteration of my soul was miniscule, at most. But it's the newest version of me. Enhanced. Improved.
And it will all happen again tomorrow.
I think of those who have I have known in the past that are gone forever - some amazing and some forgettable. I also think of those important people I know today, some who are still as extraordinary today as the minute we first glimpsed a look at each other.
Thank you. Good or bad, I am what I am today because of you.
1 day ago
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